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Pi Project

Project ID: 1436550483

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Status: Open
Budget: N/A
Created: 7/10/2015 at 13:48 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 7/25/2015 at 13:48 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: mmayer
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Project Summary:
The project involves using the pi computer to monitor a sensor. When sensor is triggered the Pi will trigger an external relay and generate email notifications of an event.
There will also be a need for a simple end user facing web interface to configure notification email settings and enabling initial setup of the Pi device onto the end users wifi network. This web interface should have the ability to be protected with a user defined password.

The program will need to meet the following criteria:
Program must run on Raspberry Pi model B+
Program must auto execute on system boot. So if power is removed and then restored script will auto execute
-Continuously pole a GPIO for input signal from sensor
-When GPIO signal goes high the Pi will need to trigger a relay through one of the pi GPIOS
-When relay is triggered an email will need to be sent to an end user defined email
-The Device will need to send weekly emails to the user defined email address to inform the end user that the system is online and running
-If the pi hangs up it must auto reboot using a “watchdog timer”
The web inter face will need to have the following:
-User defined password
-The ability to configure pi for wifi network settings through the network using the hard wired LAN connector for initial setup
-Ability to enter/edit user defined email for notifications
-Ability to change frequency or opt out of weekly device status emails

Note: A detailed schematic will be provided showing GPIO configuration once pricing is agreed upon. Once paid for the Program will become the sole property of the purchaser.
Project Type:
  • Mobile
  • Custom Scripting
OS-Platform: UNIX/Linux
Programming Language: Python
Database Type: None
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