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Music playlists updating using FTP

Project ID: 1428996674 Urgent!

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Status: Open Urgent!
Budget: USD 100-500
Created: 4/14/2015 at 3:31 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 4/24/2015 at 3:31 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: brettlanc
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We need a program that will automate our music playlists updating using FTP.

We need the ability to populate fields with the following information:

>ftp site




>Filename (for this we need the program to read the file xxxx.m3u which is a playlist file, compare the filenames (xxx.mp3) written in text on the .m3u file to all files (xxxx.mp3) within the same folder.

>percentage update (for example, if the existing .m3u file has 200 tracks (xxx.mp3) listed and we set this field to 10%, the automation will randomly delete 20 lines from the .m3u file and replace with 20 new lines/tracks from the same folder. We can try go into more detail about frequency of tracks chosen i.e if a track has been on the playlist within the last 3 months it must not be included however if it has not been included in the last 6 months it is eligible to be included.

>a calculation (in MB) of the new tracks that have been added (20 tracks in the case above)

>start (this will then edit the .m3u file without changing its name or extension and without editing the first line which contains the playlist configuration such as time,dates,volume etc...) If the program requires all the above to happen within windows then the program will need to upload the edited .m3u file to the same folder on the ftp site thereby replacing the old one. A copy of the .m3u file should also be downloaded.

There may be a few tweaks once we get going but the above is basically what we wold like.
Project Type: Desktop App
OS-Platform: None
Programming Language: None
Database Type: None
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