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Project: Fix a Java application to compile properly
ID: 1267649582
(Cancelled Project)

Status: Closed (No bidding)
Budget: USD 25-100
Created: 3/3/2010 at 15:53 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 3/8/2010 at 15:53 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: rsandor
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I have a java application that I've inherited, it apparently was developed using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE environment. It is basically a file parser, that reads a custom text file and stores the results in a MSSQL DB.

I can not get the Java application to run, so I've tried to open the IDEA project, but I'm not smart enough to get it to compile.

Willing to pay to get someone to get the IDEA project working under Vista/Win7 32 bit to the point where I can run the app, and in the future modify the app.

Probably simple for anyone who uses IntelliJ, but I'm a neophyte.
Project Type: Applications
OS-Platform: Windows
Programming Language: Java
Database Type: MSSQL
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Programmers/Freelancers Bid Delivery Within Time of Bid
anhh67 USD 604 20 day(s) from closing 3/12/2010 at 12:43 (MST)
(No Feedback Yet)
We are really going out on a limb here. Short of seeing the code I am taking your word that it, at one time compiled. This bid is to prove I am willing to work with you.
If [anhh67] is in violation of our policies (providing/asking for email, contact info. etc.,) send us a report - Thank You!

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