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Project: Developer Sought For Jooma or Drupal CMS
ID: 1267182285
(Cancelled Project)

Status: Closed (No bidding)
Budget: USD 800-1200
Created: 2/26/2010 at 6:04 (MST)
Bidding Ends: 3/5/2010 at 6:04 (MST)(expired)
Project Creator: insi10
Rating: (No Feedback Yet) --- login to your account to pick a bid, when you are ready.
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Developer Sought For Content Management Site In Joomla or Drupal

We seek a developer with Joomla or Drupal skills to design and build a new content management web site for us. All of the text for this new site will come from our existing web site. We will provide images. During development, the contractor should use “placeholder” images.

The existing site must remain working in place while the new site is constructed at a different host. Then, when the new site is complete and tested, we would change the URL to the new DNS addresses.

We want an entirely new design. We want the site to look similar to existing web sites. We will provide examples.

Important skills needed are:
#1 ability to set up a Content Management System with both public and password-protected “users only” sections;
#2 ability to create an attractive, existing web design using existing sites as examples;
#3 ability to train our key staff to use a Content Management System; and
#4. PHP and MySQL capabilities.

Our site is the web site for a print magazine and a weekly e-zine.

The work is to be done in phases. The current project is for THE FIRST PHASE ONLY. You would be responsible for completing the first phase. Depending on several factors, including our budget, your skills and experience, your rates, and how well we work together, we might ask you to do the additional phases.

We have a more detailed description of the job in a file, which we will upload.
Attached File: eveloper Sought For Content Management Site In Joomla or.txt
Project Type: Web Design/Redesign
OS-Platform: UNIX/Linux
Programming Language: PHP
Database Type: mySQL
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Programmer Bids for this project

Programmers/Freelancers Bid Delivery Within Time of Bid
cspark USD 1090 25 day(s) from closing 3/22/2010 at 0:03 (MST)
(No Feedback Yet)
Comspark Software dev&Web Solutions company from Memphis,TN have offices India & Singapore,offer quality service at thro'away price.Plz forward complete requirements to offer actual Project proposal our portfolio
If [cspark] is in violation of our policies (providing/asking for email, contact info. etc.,) send us a report - Thank You!

larryfeltonj USD 1100 30 day(s) from closing 3/3/2010 at 20:53 (MST)
(No Feedback Yet)
I'll be using Drupal. I'll provide whatever help your editors need in adding content to the site. I look forward to working with you.
If [larryfeltonj] is in violation of our policies (providing/asking for email, contact info. etc.,) send us a report - Thank You!

mamoon USD 1200 20 day(s) from closing 2/28/2010 at 2:13 (MST)
(40 reviews)
If [mamoon] is in violation of our policies (providing/asking for email, contact info. etc.,) send us a report - Thank You!

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